As you probably know, there are many types of auto insurance coverage. While most of these insurance products are optional, certain coverages are generally required by state law. Uninsured/underinsured motorist coverage is one of the optional insurance coverages, but may also be required by your state. Always check for most actual information about car insurance law in your state! Damages to other vehicles that you cause while driving a motor vehicle, does not cover basic liability insurance. It does: Collision coverage, comprehensive coverage, rental reimbursement coverage, towing and labor coverage, glass coverage and other optional coverages.
Your car insurance policy will cover you and your family members, while driving your own "insured" vehicle or someone else’s car with his permission...
Some car insurance companies in the United States let you customize your policy with coverage options that fit exactly your needs, such as:
- Small Claim Forgiveness: with this feature, your auto insurance rates will never change because of a small traffic accident, if it was your own fault.
- Comprehensive Claims Forgiveness: Car accidents happen, even to the best drivers. If you have a solid driving record, you deserve a little credit. That's why GEICO offer accident forgiveness.
- Towing & Roadside Assistance: Nationwide roadside assistance provides 24/7 emergency help - true or not?
- Car Rental Reimbursement: Do you need a rental vehicle after an accident? For example, if your car is damaged in an accident that's covered by your insurance policy, your rental reimbursement coverage will typically help pay for the rental car.
Minimum liability insurance requirements by state!
What are the minimum liability insurance requirements for private passenger vehicles in your U.S state? Most US states require a motor vehicle owner to carry at least minimum level of liability insurance (state's minimum). Virginia, New Hampshire and Mississippi are the only states that do not require to carry car insurance. Another question minimum car insurance coverage enough for you, your car and your family budget? If you’re looking for the cheapest car insurance, you may even be tempted to buy a state minimum plan (basic liability insurance). Is it a good idea?
State | Minimum car insurance limits |
Alabama | Liability: 25/50/25 |
Alaska | Liability: 50/100/25 |
Arizona | Liability: 15/30/10 |
Arkansas | Liability: 25/50/25 |
California | Liability: 15/30/5 |
Colorado | Liability: 25/50/15 |
Connecticut | Liability: 20/40/10 UM/UIM BI: 20/40 |
Delaware | Liability: 15/30/10 PIP: 15/30 |
District of Columbia | Liability: 25/50/10 UM BI: 25/50 UMPD: $5,000 |
Florida | Liability: 10/20/10 PIP: $10,000 BI liability not required by Florida but many carriers require 10/20 |
Georgia | Liability: 25/50/25 |
Hawaii | Liability: 20/40/10 PIP or PPO: $10,000 |
Idaho | Liability: 25/50/15 |
Illinois | Liability: 25/50/20 UM BI: 25/50 |
Indiana | Liability: 25/50/10 |
Iowa | Liability: 20/40/15 |
Kansas | Liability: 25/50/25 UM/UIM BI: 25/50 PIP: $4,500 medical/$900 work loss |
Kentucky | Liability: 25/50/10 PIP: $10,000 |
Louisiana | Liability: 15/30/25 |
Maine | Liability: 50/100/25 UM/UIM BI: 50/100 Medical payments: $2,000 |
Maryland | Liability: 30/60/15 UM/UIM BI: 30/60 UMPD: $15,000 PIP $2,500 |
Massachusetts | Liability: 20/40/5 UM/UIM BI: 20/40 PIP: $8,000 |
Michigan | Liability: 20/40/10 PIP: Medical and work loss PPI: $1,000,000 |
Minnesota | Liability: 30/60/10 UM/UIM BI: 25/50 PIP: $40,000 |
Mississippi | Liability: 25/50/25 |
Missouri | Liability: 25/50/10 UM BI: 25/50 |
Montana | Liability: 25/50/20 |
Nebraska | Liability: 25/50/25 UM/UIM BI: 25/50 |
Nevada | Liability: 15/30/10 |
New Hampshire * | Liability: 25/50/25 UM/UIM BI: 25/50 Medical payments: $1,000 * Car Insurance is not mandatory in the State of New Hampshire |
New Jersey | Liability: 15/30/5 (standard policy) UM/UIM BI: 15/30 UMPD: $5,000 PIP: $15,000 |
New Mexico | Liability: 25/50/10 |
New York | Liability: 25/50/10 UM BI: 25/50 PIP: $50,000 |
North Carolina | Liability: 30/60/25 UM BI: 30/60 UMPD: $25,000 |
North Dakota | Liability: 25/50/25 UM/UIM BI: 25/50 PIP: $30,000 |
Ohio | Liability: 25/50/25 |
Oklahoma | Liability: 25/50/25 |
Oregon | Liability: 25/50/20 UM BI: 25/50 PIP: $15,000 |
Pennsylania | Liability: 15/30/5 First party benefits (PIP): $5,000 |
Rhode Island | Liability: 25/50/25 |
South Carolina | Liability: 25/50/25 UM BI: 25/50 UMPD: $25,000 |
South Dakota | Liability: 25/50/25 UM/UIM BI: 25/50 |
Tennessee | Liability: 25/50/15 |
Texas | Liability: 30/60/25 |
Utah | Liability: 25/65/15 PIP: $3,000 |
Vermont | Liability: 25/50/10 UM/UIM BI: 50/100 UMPD: $10,000 |
Virginia | Liability: 25/50/20 UM/UIM BI: 25/50 UMPD: $20,000 |
Washington | Liability: 25/50/10 |
West Virginia | Liability: 25/50/25 UM BI: 25/50 UMPD: $25,000 |
Wisconsin | Liability: 25/50/10 UM BI: 25/50 |
Wyoming | Liability: 25/50/20 |
Average car insurance rates by state in 2017
Rank | U.S State | Premium |
1 | Michigan | $2,465 |
2 | Louisiana | $1,928 |
3 | Connecticut | $1,897 |
4 | Rhode Island | $1,848 |
5 | Florida | $1,841 |
6 | DC | $1,692 |
7 | California | $1,651 |
8 | Wyoming | $1,538 |
9 | Delaware | $1,526 |
10 | Texas | $1,506 |
11 | Oklahoma | $1,476 |
12 | Georgia | $1,444 |
13 | Arkansas | $1,409 |
14 | New Jersey | $1,375 |
15 | West Virginia | $1,369 |
16 | Kentucky | $1,368 |
17 | New York | $1,352 |
18 | Colorado | $1,351 |
19 | Arizona | $1,348 |
20 | Nevada | $1,346 |
21 | Maryland | $1,327 |
22 | Mississippi | $1,326 |
23 | Pennsylvania | $1,313 |
24 | Oregon | $1,308 |
25 | Hawaii | $1,292 |
26 | North Dakota | $1,291 |
27 | South Carolina | $1,286 |
28 | Massachusetts | $1,242 |
29 | Minnesota | $1,241 |
30 | Alabama | $1,226 |
31 | Montana | $1,217 |
32 | Washington | $1,218 |
33 | New Mexico | $1,201 |
34 | Kansas | $1,194 |
35 | Tennessee | $1,186 |
36 | Illinois | $1,161 |
37 | Wisconsin | $1,154 |
38 | Alaska | $1,132 |
39 | New Hampshire | $1,125 |
40 | Nebraska | $1,112 |
41 | Missouri | $1,111 |
42 | Utah | $1,068 |
43 | South Dakota | $1,068 |
44 | Virginia | $1,042 |
45 | Indiana | $1,021 |
46 | Iowa | $1,018 |
47 | North Carolina | $1,010 |
48 | Vermont | $948 |
49 | Idaho | $940 |
50 | Ohio | $915 |
51 | Maine | $860 |
Remember, there are unpleasant consequences while driving a vehicle with suspended (invalid) registration!
- Dave Jones, Commissioner
- (Chair, Western Zone)
- California Department of Insurance
- 300 Capitol Mall, Suite 1700
- Sacramento, California 95814
- Phone: 916.492.3500
- Fax: 916.445.5280
- 45 Fremont Street, 23rd Floor
- San Francisco, California 94105
- Phone: 415.538.4010
- Fax: 415.904.5889
- 300 South Spring Street
- South Tower
- Los Angeles, California 90013
- Phone: 213.346.6464
- Fax: 213.897.9051