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List of Insurance Agents in West Virginia, WV

Would you like to know who has the best car insurance quotes in West Virginia in 2019, how to find the cheapest auto insurance for less than $683 a year or which insurance company has the most affordable coverage for teens, seniors or drivers that have previous car accidents and violations on their records, we are here to help you! The average car insurance rates in West Virginia, WV are at $1.113 per year for adults, $1.633 for young drivers (16 - 24 years) and $623 for senior drivers. But these are just average rates that may vary for the same coverage depending on your location, driving history or by your age. Below is a list of licensed and reviewed insurance agents and companies in West Virginia with contact information, and with detailed profiles that include office hours, phone numbers, websites, as well as user reviews, customer testimonials and average insurance rates which are around $49 a month. We have reviewed and compared auto insurance rates in West Virginia and nearby localities to provide drivers with more information about insuring their vehicles and available discounts. Here's what we found. Erie offers one of the cheapest vehicle insurance policies, which are currently around $594 and well below the national average. Among the regional insurers can also be highlighted and recommended Cincinnati, State Auto or Auto Owners with rates rising to $802.

How much is car insurance in West Virginia by insurance company

Popular Insurers  Annual Premium * Teens (16-18) * Seniors * Bad Record *
Nationwide $965 $1.781 $816 $1.484
Farmers $1.039 $1.855 $965 $1.559
GEICO $742 $1.484 $594 $1.336
Progressive $1.262 $2.078 $965 $1.855
USAA $1.262 $2.152 $965 $1.930
Liberty Mutual $1.781 $2.227 $1.262 $1.811
State Farm $1.855 $2.301 $1.113 $1.484
Allstate $1.900 $2.405 $861 $2.152
American Family  $2.004 $2.553 $950 $2.256
Regional Insurers Annual Premium * Teens (16-18) Seniors Bad Record
Erie $594 $1.336 $475 $1.188
The Cincinnati $653 $1.514 $564 $1.277
Auto Owners  $727 $1.633 $638 $1.380
State Auto  $831 $1.811 $831 $1.470
Safe Auto  $965 $1.930 $980 $1.618
MetLife $1.069 $2.108 $1.202 $1.692
Victoria $1.217 $2.256 $1.351 $1.841
Allied $1.306 $2.464 $1.514 $2.063
Encompass $1.425 $2.657 $1.633 $2.152
* Rough estimate for drivers in the neighborhood of West Virginia, WV. Find and compare insurance agents in West Virginia and get rates lower than $520

Skip this info about discounts & compare insurance agencies in your area

How much is car insurance in West Virginia? Which insurance company in West Virginia (Union & other cities) offers the cheapest auto insurance quotes? Below is the list of insurance companies & agents in West Virginia (Union). Find an insurance agent near you & see how much discount you may receive. The right discount can save you up to 30% on your coverage! Need legal advice? Find car accident lawyer in West Virginia and schedule a free consultation. If you, or someone else, have been injured in a traffic accident, a well chosen personal injury attorney near West Virginia can help with such matters.

How to pay less than $509 a year or $42 a month in West Virginia in 2018?

Are you paying too much for car insurance in West Virginia? Auto insurance is a major expense for most people, and the cost of this coverage is on the rise, especially in some states. You really can lower your rates if you make the effort, but be sure you have adequate coverage against un-insured and under-insured drivers. If you lack uninsured/underinsured auto insurance in West Virginia, which is insurance protection related to injuries received as a result of an uninsured or negligent driver, you can be at financial risk. Do not forget to pick an insurance agent in neighborhood of West Virginia or company representative that takes the time to answer your questions. The easiest way to find the best agent is to ask for referrals and client reviews. According to many studies, people of West Virginia are paying $1.454 per year for auto insurance on average. Do not ignore local & regional insurance providers, as they may have better rates than competitors on some insurances.

West Virginia Department of Insurance & Commissioners

The West Virginia Department of Insurance ( should help consumers with insurance-related questions, and everything associated with auto insurance, health insurance, home insurance or life insurance in your neighborhood. And even much more! The West Virginia Bureau of Insurance is there to help you resolve complaints against insurance companies, agents and health maintenance organizations (HMOs).


  • Allan L. McVeyInsurance Commissioner
  • (Southeast Zone)
  • West Virginia Offices of the Insurance Commissioner
  • PO Box 50540
  • Charleston, West Virginia 25305-0540
  • Phone: 304.558.3354 
  • Fax: 304.558.0412
  • Street Address:
  • 1124 Smith Street
  • Charleston, West Virginia 25301

Choose an insurance agent near you...

Switching auto insurance company or changing your policy in West Virginia can save you hundred of dollars a year and that is the main reason why you should shop for car insurance every 6 months. Below is a complete list of insurance companies and agents in West Virginia with contact information including address, phone numbers, emails, firm websites. This database contains both captive agents and independent agents from West Virginia. Find out who has the best auto insurance quotes and ask about any discounts that might apply to you. Make sure you do not hurry through the process of getting insurance!

Average Cost in West Virginia State Requirements Advanced Search
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Car insurance in West Virginia
There are not any related links yet. You can google more information about car insurance rates in West Virginia. Liability insurance policy is the most important type of coverage you as a driver carry. Make sure you understand the basic auto insurance requirements and minimum coverage limits in West Virginia.

Homeowners & Auto Insurance

Insurance protects you and your family property from potential claims if you are the at-fault driver in an accident. Remember, that car insurance has a long-term relationship with homeowner insurance in West Virginia. How much can you save by bundling your homeowners insurance with car insurance? If you buy your home insurance from the same company that provides your insurance policy, you can save between by 5% - 25%. If you compare comprehensive homeowner insurance plans in West Virginia, you will probably find out, that average rates fluctuate around $1.250.

Progressive Insurance in West Virginia

There are thousands of insurance agents from West Virginia ready to help you with your auto & homeowner insurance needs. Looking for a Progressive insurance agency in West Virginia or an independent agent that represents Progressive company? You can find and call your Progressive insurance agent from West Virginia just by typing your zip code in to our search form (above). You can bundle your auto insurance with your home insurance, renters, condo or townhouse insurance and see, how much discount you can receive from Progresive Insurance Company in 2018/2019. See reviews, directions, phone numbers and more for Progressive Agents and local brokers locations in West Virginia.

Auto Insurance Requirements

Your liability car insurance must have the following minimums:

  • $25,000 for bodily injury, per person.
  • $50,000 for bodily injury, per accident.
  • $25,000 for property damage.

While you must have at least the minimum requirement for uninsured motorist coverage, car insurance providers are required to offer you the maximum limits of uninsured motorist coverage of:

  • $100,000 for bodily injury, per person.
  • $300,000 for bodily injury, per accident.
  • $50,000 for property damage.
Get more informations about West Virginia's auto insurance requirements, coverage options, car insurance rates, and available discounts. Most U.S states - West Virginia include - require drivers to purchase a minimum amount of liability insurance (Bodily injury coverage & Property damage coverage). But remember, the basic "liability insurance in West Virginia " does not cover your own injuries or property damage. Average price for car insurance in West Virginia is $1.454 dollars. This is only an indicative price for car insurance in West Virginia. There are many factors that affect your auto insurance rates...
Car Insurance:  AbarthWest Virginia Car Insurance:  AcWest Virginia Car Insurance:  AcuraWest Virginia Car Insurance:  Alfa RomeoWest Virginia Car Insurance:  AllardWest Virginia Car Insurance:  AlpinaWest Virginia Car Insurance:  AlpineWest Virginia Car Insurance:  AlvisWest Virginia Car Insurance:  AmcWest Virginia Car Insurance:  ArielWest Virginia Car Insurance:  Armstrong-SiddeleyWest Virginia Car Insurance:  AscariWest Virginia Car Insurance:  Aston MartinWest Virginia Car Insurance:  AudiWest Virginia Car Insurance:  AustinWest Virginia Car Insurance:  Austin-HealeyWest Virginia Car Insurance:  AutobianchiWest Virginia Car Insurance:  AuverlandWest Virginia Car Insurance:  AvantiWest Virginia Car Insurance:  BeijingWest Virginia Car Insurance:  BentleyWest Virginia Car Insurance:  BerkeleyWest Virginia Car Insurance:  BitterWest Virginia Car Insurance:  BizzarriniWest Virginia Car Insurance:  BmwWest Virginia Car Insurance:  BrillianceWest Virginia Car Insurance:  BristolWest Virginia Car Insurance:  BugattiWest Virginia Car Insurance:  BuickWest Virginia Car Insurance:  CadillacWest Virginia Car Insurance:  CaterhamWest Virginia Car Insurance:  CheckerWest Virginia Car Insurance:  ChevroletWest Virginia Car Insurance:  ChryslerWest Virginia Car Insurance:  CitroenWest Virginia Car Insurance:  DaciaWest Virginia Car Insurance:  DaewooWest Virginia Car Insurance:  DafWest Virginia Car Insurance:  DaihatsuWest Virginia Car Insurance:  DaimlerWest Virginia Car Insurance:  DatsunWest Virginia Car Insurance:  De-TomasoWest Virginia Car Insurance:  DkwWest Virginia Car Insurance:  DodgeWest Virginia Car Insurance:  DonkervoortWest Virginia Car Insurance:  EagleWest Virginia Car Insurance:  FairthorpeWest Virginia Car Insurance:  FerrariWest Virginia Car Insurance:  FiatWest Virginia Car Insurance:  FiskerWest Virginia Car Insurance:  FordWest Virginia Car Insurance:  GazWest Virginia Car Insurance:  GeelyWest Virginia Car Insurance:  GinettaWest Virginia Car Insurance:  GmcWest Virginia Car Insurance:  HoldenWest Virginia Car Insurance:  HondaWest Virginia Car Insurance:  HudsonWest Virginia Car Insurance:  HumberWest Virginia Car Insurance:  HummerWest Virginia Car Insurance:  HyundaiWest Virginia Car Insurance:  InfinitiWest Virginia Car Insurance:  InnocentiWest Virginia Car Insurance:  IsuzuWest Virginia Car Insurance:  ItaldesignWest Virginia Car Insurance:  JaguarWest Virginia Car Insurance:  JeepWest Virginia Car Insurance:  JensenWest Virginia Car Insurance:  KiaWest Virginia Car Insurance:  KoenigseggWest Virginia Car Insurance:  LadaWest Virginia Car Insurance:  LamborghiniWest Virginia Car Insurance:  LanciaWest Virginia Car Insurance:  Land RoverWest Virginia Car Insurance:  LexusWest Virginia Car Insurance:  LincolnWest Virginia Car Insurance:  LotecWest Virginia Car Insurance:  LotusWest Virginia Car Insurance:  LuxgenWest Virginia Car Insurance:  MahindraWest Virginia Car Insurance:  MarcosWest Virginia Car Insurance: 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Insurance:  TatraWest Virginia Car Insurance:  TeslaWest Virginia Car Insurance:  ToyotaWest Virginia Car Insurance:  TrabantWest Virginia Car Insurance:  TriumphWest Virginia Car Insurance:  TvrWest Virginia Car Insurance:  VauxhallWest Virginia Car Insurance:  VectorWest Virginia Car Insurance:  VenturiWest Virginia Car Insurance:  VolkswagenWest Virginia Car Insurance:  VolvoWest Virginia Car Insurance:  WartburgWest Virginia Car Insurance:  WestfieldWest Virginia Car Insurance:  Willys-OverlandWest Virginia Car Insurance:  XedosWest Virginia Car Insurance:  ZagatoWest Virginia Car Insurance:  ZastavaWest Virginia Car Insurance:  ZazWest Virginia Car Insurance:  ZenvoWest Virginia Car Insurance:  ZilWest Virginia

Find Insurers in West Virginia

Below is a complete list of auto insurance agents around (West Virginia). Click on a particular location to view a list of insurance companies and local agents who offers automobile insurance near you. Compare car insurance quotes for your vehicle model, and look for an insurance agent with a good reputation and overall rating.

Compare Insurance Companies in West Virginia

Who Has the Cheapest Auto Insurance Quotes in West Virginia? Costs of car insurance in West Virginia vary from one insurer to the next. You should researched auto insurance rates from the largest insurers around West Virginia and found the cheapest options for your vehicle. Would you like to get lower premiums? Forget to hide or alter information! Report your mileage accurately, report all the drivers for the vehicle (even family members), list the actual parking location for your vehicle and do not forget to report the automobile accidents you've been involved. Errors on the car insurance application can result in a denied claim (after traffic accident) or even a policy revocation (read more about West Virginia car insurance laws and regulations).
Cheapest rates in West Virginia $291
Standard rates in West Virginia $872
Most expensive rates in West Virginia $1.890
Average cost of car insurance in West Virginia (2016 - 2017) has been $1.454 dollars. But remember, your age (teen vs senior driver), marital status (married, single) and location has a huge impact on your car insurance rates. Before you buy any product, read customer reviews of auto insurance companies in West Virginia and their agents/brokers who offer quotes on your car. As you can see, you can lower your car insurance fees to $872 dollars or even less than $291 - low cost rates near you.
Car insurance in West Virginia Motor vehicle owners (lessees too) are required by law to maintain continuous West Virginia liability insurance coverage on vehicles with active registrations. Find the minimum car insurance requirements for every state to get car insurance that meets the legal requirements! Never drive a vehicle that does not have a valid vehicle registration. Minimum car insurance requirements vary from state to state. Many states require drivers to have insurance, but some of them provide alternatives such as "proof of financial responsibility" or "uninsured motorist registration". These requirements establish the minimum levels of insurance coverage in West Virginia that every motorist must buy. Below is the list of minimum car insurance requirements - understand bodily injury & property damage liability. There are high penalties for driving without car insurance in West Virginia.
How much auto insurance coverage do you need?

Your liability car insurance must have the following minimums:

  • $25,000 for bodily injury, per person.
  • $50,000 for bodily injury, per accident.
  • $25,000 for property damage.

While you must have at least the minimum requirement for uninsured motorist coverage, car insurance providers are required to offer you the maximum limits of uninsured motorist coverage of:

  • $100,000 for bodily injury, per person.
  • $300,000 for bodily injury, per accident.
  • $50,000 for property damage.

Full Coverage Auto Insurance in West Virginia (Example)

What does “Full Coverage" mean and what's included in minimum car insurance coverage required by your state? Full coverage policy in West Virginia is perceived as a contract that combines state-required liability (liability insurance is one of the few coverage options that is mandatory in every U.S state) or no-fault insurance coverage that covers body injury and property damages to others in an accident you cause, collision coverage (this coverage will pay for the repairs to your car) and comprehensive coverage (theft, vandalism and other damages). The average price for full coverage car insurance in West Virginia is $1.454 dollars. But it's only an indicative price! You can find and buy cheap full-coverage insurance in West Virginia only with the right resources. Car insurance rates are based on a variety of risk factors (age, employment, residence, driving record) and therefore can grow up to $4.362 a year (cca $364 dollars a month), but even more! You could qualify for more affordable car insurance by purchasing basic "liability insurance", which can cost around $582 a year and even less. Find an agent near you, get the best quotes (consider buying one that fits your needs) and purchase your new and inexpensive car insurance! Department of insurance in West Virginia offers guidance to local consumers.

Estimated Prices
Lowest auto insurance rates in West Virginia
$582 a year
Average auto insurance rates in West Virginia
$1.454 a year
Highest auto insurance rates in West Virginia
$4.362 a year
How much will you pay for insurance? $291 or less?
unknown 90%

West Virginia Car Insurance Guide: Questions & Answers

There are always many questions that must be answered before shopping for car insurance in West Virginia or anywhere near you. Have questions about what your car insurance policy covers in different situations? Do you know, how insurers investigate accident claims in West Virginia? After you file a claim with your car insurance company, the process - that leads to a financial settlement - is starting. If you have a car insurance policy (general liability insurance / car insurance premiums, deductibles / higher limits), you've likely had specific questions about what it covers. When to report a car accident in West Virginia, when not and what are the legal (financial) consequences of this activity. We can inform you of what happens if you dont report your traffic accident in West Virginia and what the responsible insurance company requires. If you have been involved in a car accident around West Virginia, we can advise you of what laws will apply to your specific case.

$121 a month? Stop overpaying for auto insurance in West Virginia!

We can help you save significant money on auto protection near West matter what type of car you drive. How much is the average monthly/yearly car insurance premium in your state/city? As you already know, your car insurance premiums are based on a variety of factors including your location, the amount of coverage, model of your car, your driving history, your age and many others. If you are paying around $121 a month ($1454 a year), you can definitely save a lot of money annually. Do not hesitate to switch policies or insurance agent if getting a discount of $61 dollars is possible!

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